—— 阅读教学课例和反思
1. 教材分析 新世纪高一教材共有四个模块,话题有人物、文化、活动和现代生活,贴近学生的生活,容易吸引学生。本课是现代生活这个模块中的单元,主题是大都市,主阅读部分的文章标题为“a brief look at two metropolises”,分为“纽约”和“伦敦”两个部分,简要介绍了这两个国际大都市的特征、历史、经济、文化等。让学生在对比两个不同的大都市各自的特点中,体会到了城市的魅力,也意识到城市存有的问题,让学生对城市生活有个全面的了解,引导他们观察所生活的城市,激发对生活环境的喜爱。
2. 学情分析 学生对纽约和伦敦这两个国际大都市应该都是比较了解。高一阶段的学生能够说出与这两个城市相关的一些历史知识、文化和习俗。对于纽约和伦敦的英文描述,他们应该不难理解,并且容易将文章中描述城市的语言模仿,最终内化。
3. 教学理念 阅读是语言习得的重要途径,也是语言学习的重要目的之一。所以阅读教学在英语教学中有着举足轻重的作用,协助学生掌握重要的阅读技能同时学习常用词汇和表达,最终纳入自己的语言库。
二、教学目标 作为主阅读课的第二课时,教学目标如下: 1. 通过对比两个城市,学习重点词汇 2. 利用本课的重点表达,总结课文 3. 鼓励学生用所学的语言描述生活的城市
三、教学实录 段 片段 1 —— 承上文章大意,启下语言教学
T:Do you still remember the two metropolises we talked about in the last period of time? What are they? ( 板书 :metropolis) S1: New York and London. T: Can you introduce the symbols of the two metropolises? S2: Skyscrapers are the symbols of New York.. S3: The double-decker is the symbol of London. …… T: New York and London are the metropolises, but there are some problems. Can you name some of them? S1: They are crowded. …… T: In spite of these problems, they are still attractive.
段 片段 2 —— 联系生活,学会表达 T:
Thanks for your help. In the 19 th
century, New York was not a metropolis. But a businessman predicted that New York was going to be the centre of the world. His prediction has partly come true.
( 板书 :predict/ prediction) T:To predict means to say something that will happen. The businessman said that New York would be the centre of the world. And what he predicted has partly come true. Here are the sentences structure of the word. (将 predict 的常用词组和名词 prediction 的常用词组显示在PPT 上,学生快速朗读两遍。) 文章中出现了predict和prediction,所以在词汇教学中将两个词的常用表达介绍给学生,并配以适当的练习加以巩固。
In the 19th century, a businessman predicted that New York was going to become the centre of the world. His prediction has partly come true predict v. =to say that something will happen prediction n.= sth that you say is going to happen predict sth. (for sb.) predict that make a prediction of/ about sth. make a prediction thatNew York T: They said that Beijing Olympics was a great success. Can you make a prediction about the London Olympic Games? predict sth. (for sb.) predict that make a prediction of/ about sth. make a prediction that2012 London S1: I predict that the 2012 London Olympics will be a great success. S2: I make a prediction that the 2012 London Olympics will be a great success. …… T: Good job! I predict that you will have bright future. And I
既然文章的主题是大都市,所以在操练的过程中也尽量用切合主题的句子。正好文章描述伦敦,所以在使用 predict和 prediction 时,让学生对伦敦奥运会做个预测,比较贴合主题,也比较贴合时事。
believe that my prediction will come true. ( 板书 :come true) T: Something will come true means that something will be realized. (PPT 上表现两个词组的区别,在实际使用中,引导学生注意他们的不同点) His prediction has partly come true.sth. comes true= sth.be realizedeg.他的梦想实现了。His dream has come true.His dream has been realized.=He ___________________. (realize)My dream of _________/ _____________.(come true/ realize)been realizedhas realized his dreamNew York T: My dream of being a teacher has come true. Is there any your dream that has come true or has been realized? S1: My dream of having a computer has come true. S2: My dream of visiting Beijing has been realized …… T: New York is an international city now. Life in New York is busy but is still fascinating. ( 板书 :fascinating) T: Busy New York life fascinates a lot of people. ( 板书 :fascinate)
realize和come true的含义学生应该都能知道,但在高一阶段可能在使用的时候还不熟练,所以将它们两者的用法区别列了出来,鼓励学生自己发现,总结,再到使用,描述自己的梦想。学生表达起来比较轻松,也比较有趣。
T: Would you like to explain the word? S1:Something is fascinating means something is attracting. S2: To fascinate somebody means to attract somebody. T: Good. Usually, we can say something is fascinating, somebody is fascinated by something. Please describe the following picture by using the phrases. (fascinate /fascinating /be fascinated with/by)S1: The Great Wall fascinates the visitors from all over the world. S2: The Great Wall is fascinating. S3: A lot of visitors are fascinated by the Great Wall.
Fascinate 和 fascinating是学生新接触的单词。学生通过课文上的表述能够看出它们的词性和用法,在协助学生使用这两个单词时,我想到了让他们用不同的方式描述同一个意思,既练习了单词的不同词性,也练了不同句型。
…… T: There are great changes in New York. How about London? (学生快速浏览文章后给出回答)
S: The second half of the 20th century saw great changes in the city. ( 板书 : see) T: Good. Does the word “saw” in this sentence means something come into your view? S:
No. T: Right. A time or a place sees something means that something takes place in this time or place. Can you paraphrase the sentence on the screen?
S: Great changes take place in the second half of the 20 th
century. T: Thanks. Please describe the pictures on the screen. Practice____________ saw___________________The year 2008Olympic Games in Beijing.黄浦江见证了浦东的巨大发展。The Huangpu River saw great changes in Pudong.(time/a place sees sth.)2008 Beijing
段 片段 3 —— 回归文本,巩固运用 ……
T: New York and London are so fascinating, so there are a lot waiting us to know. Here is a short passage introducing more about London. You are asked to fill in blanks by using the words and phrases that we have learned during this period of time. Since the 18th century London has been one of the
_______ cities in Europe. It is both ancient and modern. People can enjoy themselves with a cup of coffee in the Covent Garden. And the narrow roads often _______________ to old days. In general, the young are _________ with the fast _____of life. The buildings which are located on the Thames River have _____ the development of London in the past century. Skyscrapers have _________. And what makes the Londoners feel proud is that their dream of holding the 2012 Olympic Games
has _________.The government and the people are trying their best to show great Olympic Games to the world. Some people ______ that it will be a great success.come true; take sb. back to; pace; predict; spring up; see; fascinating; fascinated;fascinatingtake people backfascinatedpaceseensprung upcome truepredict 在前一个活动的基础上,设计练习,帮助学生巩固在本堂课所学的重要知识点。本节课的主题是“大都市”,所以巩固练习也是同一主题。同一主题下的练习既能使整个教学环节相扣,主题的连贯性也能带给学生对于课堂的完整感觉。这一部分的练习设计也是为了后面的作业环节作铺垫,从单词的教授,到在单句中使用单词,再到短篇中使用单词,最终达到学生自由使用的目的。因为是高一第一学期,学生的英文水平还没有达到很高的高度,所以,设计的练习是选词填空的形式。在理解篇章的基础上,选择恰当的单
四、反思和启示 1. 在备课时,针对所讲的新词汇,仔细地研究和思考,以便将学生已学的知识和新知在授课过程中能有效地结合在一起,既利于学生学习新知,也巩固了旧知,并且能够帮助学生形成一个系统,将散的小知识点结合成一个大的知识网。虽然英语的知识是很零散的,但是如果用心去挖掘的话,在词汇的教学中,还是能够找到相连的内容。可以将同义的词进行归纳,可以帮助学生在写作的时候活用词汇,使文章的语言不单调。在挑选词汇及确定词汇讲解的深度时,都是从实际出发。
2. 就课堂活动的设计而言,尽可能设计一些符合学生特点,能让学生感兴趣的活动。首先,在词汇的呈现上,不同的词汇采用不同的呈现方式,如物质名词,采用直观化教学,有助于学生把英语单词同实物或情景直接联系,增强语言的真实性、形象感,易于调动和保持学生的学习兴趣。如动词和一些词组的运用,创设一些语境,逐渐形成从识记,理解,简单运用到综合运用。因为词汇教学不只是单词教学,单词只有组成句子和话语之后,才能实现其交际功能。要确定词义和用法,必须有具体的情景和语境。在学生全面理解和掌握课文的基础上,展开一些常用的在用法上难以掌握或容易混淆的词和习惯用语的使用,进行重点而专门的练习。
3. 课后的跟进练习很关键,是课堂的延续,将本课的重点在课后继续加以巩固。在词汇运用环节,创造表达机会。以生活为原型,组词成句。在让学生运用目标词汇时,教师可以把其中几个词放在一起,让学生展开想象,把这些词串起来,创编成一个句子,而句子所表达的情况是生活中有可能存在或发生的情况。以话题为中心,连句成篇。在让学生运用目标词汇时,教师可以选择一个恰当的话题,让学生写一篇短文。
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