作者:唐 彬
[中图分类号]I206 [文献标识码] A[文章编号]1671-5918(2010)05-00122-02
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-5918.2010.05.063 [本刊网址]>
【期刊名称】《英语广场(下旬刊 )》
1.东西方文化冲突在母女之间的反映——论谭恩美小说《喜福会》中的母女关系 [J], 张伟
2.东西方文化冲突在母女之间的反映——论谭恩美小说《喜福会》中的母女关系 [J], 张伟
3.从《喜福会》中母女关系看东西方文化交流 [J], 马丽娜
4.《喜福会》中的母女关系 [J], 黄福奎
5.解读《喜福会》中的母女关系 [J], 黄双双
1.透过《喜福会》中母女关系发展看中西方文化差异 [J], 许晶晶
2.浅谈电影《喜福会》中西方文化差异 [J], 董智慧
3.母女冲突中所表现的中西方文化的差异——以《喜福会》和《接骨师的女儿》为例 [J], 杨丹丹
4.从上海世博会饮食看中西方文化差异与融合 [J], 崔丽娜
5.论《喜福会》所表现的中西方文化差异 [J], 张玲莉
关键词:《喜福会》 中美文化 冲突 融合
中图分类号:i106.4 文献标识码:a
一 谭恩美和《喜福会》
谭恩美(amy tan)是一位颇具声誉的女作家,33岁时开始从事小说创作。长篇小说《喜福会》是谭恩美的成名之作,该书在1989年出版后,深受广大读者的喜爱,连续八个月在《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜中居高不下,还荣获了该年度国家书卷奖。此外,由该小说改编的电影作品同样备受欢迎,在票房成绩上创下了巨大的成功。
Cultural Conflicts and Integration Between China and America in the Joy Luck Club
A thesis presented to the School of English Education of
Xi’an International Studies University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of
Bachelor of Arts
May 18, 2012
Class: 08-4 Advisor: ________西安外国语大学
毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告
Cultural Conflicts and Integration Between China and America in the Joy Luck Club
2011 年11 月20 日 至 2012 年5 月20 日
Huntley, E. D. 1998. Amy Tan: A Critical Comparison. Michigan: Greenwood Press.
Tan, A. 1989. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Penguin Books.
徐行言.2004.中西文化比较.北京 :北京大学出版社.
指导教师 (签名)
年 月 日
First of all, I wish to thank all those who have given me consistent help, encouragement, and advice.
Then, I am greatly indebted to my advisor, Wang Tong, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar,who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of thisthesis. Her effective advice, shrewd comments have kept the thesis in the right direction. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, Icould not have completed my thesis. Her keen and vigorous academic observationenlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.
Last but not least, thanks all my friends, especially my lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support when I felt frustrated with this thesis.
Cultural Conflicts and Integration Between China and America
in the Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck club is the first novel of Amy Tan, a Chinese-American writer. In the novel, by describing the relationship between the Chinese mothers and their American daughters and the conflicts caused by cultural differences, Amy Tan presents the process of misunderstanding, narrowing the gap and mutual understanding between mothers and daughters, which metaphorically represents the transition of the relationship from conflicts to integration between Chinese and American culture. With the intensification of globalization, cultural exchanges and collisions have become more frequent and Chinese traditional culture is facing more challenges than ever before. Through contextual analysis of the cultural conflicts and integration in the joy luck club, this paper attempts to demonstrate that in the age of globalization and cultural diversity, correct attitudes in cultural exchange should be taken. It suggests that different cultures should enhance exchange, respect and trust between each other and create a prosperous human culture together.
Key words:the Joy Luck Club; conflicts; integration; Chinese and American culture
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Author and the Novel…………………………………………...1
2. Cultural Conflicts Between China and America in the Joy Luck Club……………..2
2.1 Episodes Reflecting the Conflicts in the Novel…………………………………2
2.2 Factors Causing the Conflicts …………………………………………………..4
2.2.1 Different Languages and Expressions……………………………………4
2.2.2 Different Views on Love and Marriage…………………………………..5
2.2.3 Different Senses of Value………………………………………………...6
2.3 Cultural Interpretation of the Conflicts…………………………………………7
3. Cultural Integration Between China and America in the Joy Luck Club…………...8
3.1 Episodes Reflecting the Integration in the Novel……………………………….8
3.2 Ways Promoting the Integration………………………………………………...9
3.2.1 Mothers" Efforts to Instill Chinese Culture in Daughters………………...9
3.2.2 Communication Between Mothers and Daughters……………………….9
3.2.3 Daughters" Understanding and Respect of Mothers…………………… 10
3.3 Cultural Interpretation of the Integration………………………………………11
4. Correct Attitudes in Cultural Exchange……………………………………………11
4.1 Enhancing the Exchange of Different Cultures………………………………..12
4.2 Learning to Respect and Trust…………………………………………………13
4.3 Seeking the Common Points…………………………………………………..13
5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………14
Amy Tan is one of the most highly acclaimed writers of American-Chinese literature. She published her first novel the Joy Luck Club in 1989, which received great attention immediately and remained on the New York Times best-seller list for many months.
In the novel the Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores the relationship between mothers and daughters. The novel focuses on four pairs of mothers and daughters: Suyuan Woo and Jing-Mei Woo, An-Mei Hsu and Rose Hsu Jordan, Lindo-Jong and Waverly Jong, and Ying- Ying St. Clair and Lena St. Clair. The four mothers are the first generation immigrants from the Chinese traditional families. The daughters are born in America as the second generation immigrants who are deeply influenced by American moral standards and acting principles. They cherish their independent spirits and characters, and they are not willing to be controlled by others. They cannot understand their mothers" Chinese culture and their way of thinking. They reject the advices and criticisms from their mothers no matter whether they are reasonable or not. Meanwhile, the mothers, as the first generation immigrants, do not totally integrate in American culture. They cannot speak fluent English. They never discard the tradition and never forget their lives in China. They show their love for daughters by planning their futures and interfering in their activities, which is hated by the daughters. Consequently, there are constant conflicts between mothers and daughters from choosing husbands to hairdos.
However, the novel does not end up with conflicts. The mothers make continuous efforts to instill Chinese culture with daughters and they never stop maternal love to their daughters. Moreover, in the process of growing up, the daughters gradually understand their mothers" love for them and accept it eventually. At the end of the novel, the reconciliation between mothers and daughters forms naturally.
In fact, all the conflicts are caused by cultural differences, and the final reconciliation suggests the possibility of integration of different cultures. In the context of globalization, the communication between China and other countries whose cultural backgrounds are totally different from China"s is increasing rapidly. China face more challenges to its traditional culture. It is a knotty question how to get integration in the cultural exchange. This paper analyses the cultural conflicts and integration between the mothers and the daughters in the novel the Joy Luck Club, and metaphorically between Chinese and American culture, with the aim to get the correct attitudes in cultural exchange.
2. Cultural Conflicts between China and America
in the Joy Luck Club
In the Joy Luck Club, the author Amy Tan presents many conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship.
2.1 Episodes Reflecting the Conflicts in the Novel
The most obvious conflicts happen in the story “Two Kinds”. Jing-Mei’s mother Suyuan Woo has a high expectation for her daughter. She believes that “you could be anything you wanted to be in America”. She thinks that Jing-Mei could be a prodigy. She hopes that Jing-Mei would be a pianist in the future. So the mother gets all kinds of magazines from people whose house she cleans, and searches for stories about remarkable children to tell to the daughter. She trades housecleaning service for weekly lessons and a piano for her daughter Jing-Mei to practice on every day. Jing-Mei likes piano herself, but she does not want to play the piano for her mother. In Jing-Mei’s eyes, she has the right to decide what she would do and not do. She has the right not be controlled by her mother. In order to break her mother’s hope, Jing-Mei disrupts a piano show on purpose with all the friends of her parents present to shame her mother. The mother does not give up, however. She continues to force her daughter to practice the piano. Jing-Mei remains defiant. She says to her mother: “You want me to be someone that I’m not! I’ll never be the kind of daughter you want me to be.” (Tan, 1989: 142) The mother replies that only the obedient daughter can live in the house. The daughter does not give in to her mother, shouting that “I wish I wasn’t your daughter. I wish you weren’t my mother. Then I wish I had never been born! ” (Tan, 1989: 142)
The relationship between Lindo Jong and her daughter Waverly Jong also vividly reflects the cultural clash. In the story “Rules of the Game”, as a little girl, Waverly Jong shows great talent on chess. The mother, Lindo Jong, is so proud of her daughter that she introduces Waverly to whoever looks her way when they go out together. In order to create a good environment for her daughter to practice chess, Lindo make many concessions with the aim that her daughter can concentrate on chess. She makes decision that the daughter no longer has to do the dishes and her two brothers need to do the chores in place of her. When the daughter complains that the bedroom that she shares with her two brothers is so noisy that she couldn’t think, the two brothers are arranged in the living room facing the street, immediately. The mother regards herself as a protective ally of her daughter. She has a habit of standing over her daughter while Waverly practices the chess at home. When Waverly wins the game, she likes to announce to others: “I told my daughter, use your horse to run over the enemy, she won quickly this way.” (Tan, 1989: 170) However, the daughter hates “the way she tried to take all the credit”. (Tan, 1989: 170) Finally, one day, in the middle of a crowd of people, the daughter burst out her aversion. She says: “Why do you have to use me to show off? If you want to show off, then why don’t you learn to play chess?”(Tan, 1989: 99) These words actually turn their mother-daughter relationship down to the bottom. Their constant conflicts reach a climax ever.
Besides, the conflicts not only exist between Chinese mothers and American daughters, but also between other members from Sino-American Families. Both Rose and Lena marry American husbands. Rose has always been told to be submitted and meek by her Chinese mother since her birth. As a result of her mother’s education, Rose is used to listening to her husband’s advices in marriage life. When asked for her opinion, she usually says: “You deicide.” or “I do not care.” or “either way is fine with me.” In such case, her American husband would say in his impatient voice, “No, you decide. You cannot have it both ways, none of the responsibility, none of the blame.” (Tan, 1989: 120) Because of Rose’s behavior, her husband proposes to divorce with her. Lena and her husband have a piece of paper on which under each of their names are things they have bought and how much they pay. Just things they share. This is not surprising in America. Lena feels uneasy and is in a complete despair eventually. She says to her husband: “our marriage is really based on …not this balance sheet, who owes who what.” (Tan, 1989: 165)
2.2 Factors Causing the Conflicts
Actually all these conflicts can be attributed to the American-Chinese cultural differences which are embodied in three aspects.
2.2.1 Different Languages and Expressions
First, the mothers are born and grow up in China while the daughters are educated in America. They speak different languages and have different styles of expression. As language is the carrier of culture, different languages convey different cultural information. Language can give the speaker certain kind of cultural identity. A language means a pass check to know the culture it belongs to. In the Joy Luck Club, language has been a barrier obstructing the mother-daughter communication, which is hard to remove. Although having been living in America for many years, the mothers are used to speaking in Chinese, especially when they need to express something important or their strong feelings. Chinese is their mother tongue, which they cannot leave behind. They either speak the broken English or the Chinese-English sentences. For the daughters, who are brought up in America, they speak fluent English. They do not like and even despise their mother’s way language, no matter they speak Chinese or the broken English. Consequently, the communication problems arise. For example, Jing-Mei says: “My mother and I never really understand one another. We translate each other’s meaning and I seemed to hear less than was said, while my mother heard more.” (Tan, 1989: 27) On the one hand, the daughter looks for meaning in what is stated by her mother and does not understand that her mother omits important information because she thinks that her daughter knows it; on the other hand, the mother looks for meaning in what has not been stated and adds many things to what has been stated and comes up with meanings that surprise her daughter.
People from the two cultures also have totally different expression styles. American people cannot understand the virtue of being modest and reserved in Chinese culture. Just as Jing-Mei says, “it was one of those Chinese expressions that means the better half of mixed intentions. I can never remember things I didn’t understand in the first place.” (Tan, 1989: 19) Unlike Chinese, Americans are frank and direct when expressing their ideas. They say what they think. Chinese people say half of what they think. Sometimes, they even say what is opposite to what they think. There is a talking between the two Chinese mothers Lindo Jong and Suyuan woo reflecting the feature of Chinese communication. Lindo says: “She brings home too many trophy. All day I have no time do nothing but dust off her winnings. ” Suyuan responses: “Our problem worser than yours. If we ask Jing-Mei wash dish, she hear nothing but music. It’s like you cannot stop this natural talent.”(Tan, 1989: 138) At the superficial level, they are complaining about their problems. Actually, it is a Chinese way of showing off. However, this connation is not effective for the Americans. When Waverly’s husband Rich first comes to her parents’ home, the mother Lindo Jong cooks her famous steamed pork and preserved vegetable dish, which she always serves with special pride. When Lindo Jong makes disparaging remarks about her cooking as usual, “the dish is not salty enough, no flavor. It’s too bad to eat”. (Tan, 1989: 178) As an American man, Rich does not know that is a cue for others to praise the cook. He says: “you know all it needs is a little soy sauce.” And he proceeds to “pour a riverful of the salty black stuff on the platter, right before the mother’s horrified eyes”. (Tan, 1989: 178) He even calls Waverly’s parents’ name directly, which is considered as not polite in China. Waverly thinks over and over when she decides to tell her parents that she will get married with Rich. For Rich, it is only a matter of one sentence “Mom, Dad, I’m getting married.” Chinese people are roundabout while American people are direct.
2.2.2 Different Views on Love and Marriage
Second, in terms of the views on love and marriage, the mothers and daughters hold different ideas. According to Chinese tradition, children’s marriage is a vitally important thing for parents. They try to give their suggestions, sometimes even the decision. Parents interfere with children’s marriage out of responsibility and kindness to make sure that their children can have blissful life in the future. To some extents, it is an important manifestation of parents’ love to children in China. American culture values independence. When children get married, what the parents need to do is to give their blessings. For Americans, marriage is a private thing they do not like to share with others. When the two different views meet, the conflicts are inevitable. Lindo Jong thinks that Waverly’s first boyfriend is lazy and lack of family responsibilities. She thinks the boy is not good enough for her daughter. When she finds her daughter elopes with this guy, she throws her shoes at them. The daughter Waverly does not understand her mother’s behavior. When her first marriage fails, she even thinks: “If perhaps my mother has poisoned my marriage.”(Tan, 1989: 174) As an Americanized girl, she does not think her mother has the right to intervene in her choice. Another girl, Lena believes in gender equality and equal rights for man and woman, equal rights for husband and wife, which are advocated in American culture. They go Dutch in life, which seems just. They think that only by doing this way, they can “eliminate false dependencies…be equals…love without obligation…” (Tan, 1989: 162) But her mother Ying-Ying cannot bear this rule. According to the Chinese culture in which the mother was born and grew up, it is unacceptable. A married Chinese couple cannot calculate the family financial expenditure so clearly; they must share the burden together. Having received the American education, Lena still holds Chinese traditional view by nature. Such nature makes it a little difficult for her to integrate into the western marriage.
2.2.3 Different Senses of Value
Third, the mothers and daughters also have totally different senses of values. Chinese culture emphasizes the collectiveness, while American culture values the individualism. In China, people are seen as one part of the group and individual’s ability not only embodies one’s value, but also represents the collective values of the whole group which he belongs to. According to Chinese traditional Confucianism, the interests of the social group take precedence over the interests of the individual. When one succeeds, his family receives compliment. When one fails, his family receives criticism. Individual is closely tied with family. So Waverly’s mother Lindo Jong shows off her daughters’ success as if she succeeds herself. In America, people are mutual independent. They think if one wants to succeed, he should rely on himself rather than his family. When you talk with Americans, it is rare to find them boast of their family or social relationship. Freedom and independence are highly valued by the daughters who are raised in the US. They cannot bear being interfered and controlled by others. The American culture sees people as individual with intelligence, dignity, and free will. Everybody needs to be responsible for their own fate. So Jing-Mei shouts to her mother: “I am not you salve. This isn’t in China. You cannot make me.”(Tan, 1989: 140) So Waverly says: “Do not be so old fashioned, Ma. I’m my own person.”(Tan, 1989: 254)
2.3 Cultural Interpretation of the Conflicts
Ultimately, underneath the conflicts between the mothers and daughters are the clashes between the Eastern and Western cultures. All people are created different, and thus no two cultures will ever be the same. The Sino- America relationship has been unequal for many centuries. America is the strong; China is the weak. Due to the relationship on the unfair and unequal basis, it is inevitable for the American people to have prejudice against Chinese people and things. In the eyes of the Americans, China means ignorance and backwardness. When the two meet, they naturally choose the superior one in their hearts. So Rose considers that “Chinese people had Chinese opinions, American people had American opinions. And in almost every case, the American version was much better.” (Tan, 1989: 191) Chinese traditional culture is suppressed in American society where the mainstream American culture predominates. At the beginning of the story, when Jing-Mei’s mother arrives in America, the immigration officials force her to leave the swan she buys from China. The potential meaning of this plot is that the American culture violently cuts the bond between the mothers and her traditional culture with its advantage. But Suyuan still preserves one swan feather, which stands for the weak culture’s struggle and survival.
3. Cultural Integration between China and America
in the Joy Luck Club
Conflict is the main plot in the Joy Luck Club, but it is not the final destination. Moreover, the author, Amy Tan is always trying to find the possibility of integration between people from different cultures. Actually, she succeeds in doing this. Struggle is painful, but it is worth if it can make people to examine themselves. In the Joy Luck Club, conflicts begin with antagonistic contradiction, but end up in accommodation.
3.1 Episodes Reflecting the Integration in the Novel
Despite so many contractions having happened before, the mothers and daughters indeed come to reconciliation at last. For instance, Waverly and Rich decide to go to China to spend their honeymoon. Waverly’s American husband hopes that Waverly’s mother Lindo could go with them. Lindo would love to go, although she does not say it directly. Waverly does not like this idea. She thinks that her mother would keep complaining about dirty chopsticks and cold soup, three meals a day. But she also considers: “Yet part of me also thinks the whole idea makes perfect sense. The three of us, leaving our differences behind, stepping on the plane together, sitting side by side, lifting off, moving West to reach the East.” (Tan, 1989: 184)
Another Example of integration is about Jing-Mei and her mother. After her mother’s death, Jing-Mei opens the piano which causes the fierce conflicts between her mother and her many years ago, plays the two songs which brings much pain to her. After playing them both a few times, she realizes that they are two halves of the same song. The one is shorter but slower; the other is longer but faster. It indicates that the eastern culture and western culture are both part of the whole human culture. Separated from the other, the remains is not complete and perfect. At the end of the novel, Jing-Mei set foot on the Chinese land. When she hears the story of her mother and sees her Chinese sisters, she totally understands her mother and knows that her mother loves her more than her own life.
In the third part of the novel, the four daughters narrate their dilemmas after they grew up. Although they think their mothers’ ideas are out of date, when they search for the solutions, they inevitably come back to their mothers. At last, mothers offer solutions and support to their daughters with their past experiences in China. For example, Rose Hsu Jordan finds herself unable to persist in her ideas. Although she expresses her ideas by disobeying her mother to marry Ted, she makes herself the victim to Ted in marriage. At home, Ted decides everything. At last, she listens to her mother and takes actions to protect her rights.
3.2 Ways Promoting the Integration
From the conflicts to integration, there are some ways promoting the process. It is due to the joint efforts by mothers and daughters that the final reconciliation can be achieved.
3.2.1 Mothers" Efforts to Instill Chinese Culture in Daughters
The mothers make great effort to instill Chinese culture in daughters during the daughters’ growing up. The mothers in the joy luck club come to America with their American dreams. They come to America in order to find a better life. Deeply, they still preserve the pride of Chinese culture. Confident of their culture, they want to pass it to their daughters. When Waverly asks her mother what is Chinese torture. The mother answers: “Chinese people do many things. Chinese people do business, do medicine, do painting. Not lazy like American people. We do torture. Best torture.”(Tan, 1989: 91) Lindo says these words because she does not want her daughter lose confidence in front of her American classmates. In this way, she tells her daughter that Chinese people are not inferior to any other people in the world, even the American people. For them, the offspring of Chinese immigrants are as superb as the Americans. Waverly misunderstands her mother’s hometown Taiyuan as Taiwan because of the similar pronunciations. Lindo cannot wait to correct it, saying: “I was born in China, in Taiyuan. Taiwan is not China.”(Tan, 1989: 183) She does not want her daughter misunderstand her motherland. Through this kind of daily dialogue, the Joy Luck Club mothers gradually instill a sense of Chinese affection into their daughters’ hearts.
3.2.2 Communication Between Mothers and Daughters
Mutual communication is another factor contributing to forming the reconciliation between mothers and daughters. There has always been a barrier during the mother and daughter’s communication. The language and culture barriers ever make it hard for them to understand each other and communicate. However, as time goes by, they gradually know and accept each other and eventually overcome the communication barriers. Seeing the hardship and pain their daughters suffer from the American mainstream society, the mothers realize the necessity of communication. They break their usual silence and open the memories to have dialogue with their daughters.
When Rose runs into the marriage crisis, she would choose to turn to the psychiatrist rather than talk with her own mother. But her mother An-Mei tells her that “a mother is best, a mother knows what is inside you, a psyche-atricks will only make you hulihudu (Chinese expression which means confused), make you see heimongmong (Chinese expression which means darkness).” (Tan, 1989: 188) This is a typical kind of Chinese theory.
Ying-Ying realizes that she has passed her passivity and fatalism to her daughter Lena. She begins to change herself not to be silent anymore. She says: “all her life, I have watched her as though from another shore. And now I must tell her everything about my past. It is the only way to penetrate her skin and to pull her to where she can be saved.” (Tan, 1989: 242)
Waverly decides to marry Ted. She needs to tell her parent the news. She thinks that her mother does not like Ted and would object her choice. After the intimate and frank conversation with her mother, she understands her mother’s love for her finally. She knows that her mother is not to fight with her on purpose as she thinks before. That is just a way of love from a Chinese mother. The mother also agrees on the daughter’s marriage with an American man, indicating her acceptance for American culture. In the story “Four direction”, Waverly says:
“In the brief instant that I had peered over the barriers I could finally see what was really there: an old woman, a work for her armor, a knitting needle for her sword, getting a little crabby as she waited patiently for her daughter to invite her in.” (Tan, 1989: 184)
3.2.3 Daughters" Understanding and Respect of Mothers
Daughters’ understanding and respect of mothers is the last step to shape the accommodation between mothers and daughters. The American daughters are always resisting their mothers. The mothers and daughters seem to be in the opposite side all the time. Jing-Mei indeed succeeds in resisting her mother. She disappoints her mother to assert her own will and her right to fall short of expectation. She does not become a pianist. She does not become class president. She does not get into Stanford. She almost makes all of her mother’s expectation fail. Meanwhile, she becomes an ordinary person. In order to reject her mother’s showing off, Waverly stops playing chess. After letting go of her mother’s support, Waverly is not a genius any more.
As the daughters grow up, they gradually understand their mothers’ good intentions. In Jing-Mei’s trip to China, her father tells her the story about Suyuan after she runs away from Kweilin. Jing-Mei totally understands why her mother leaves the twins on the road at that time. She also knows the meaning of her mother’s name “Suyuan” and hers “Jing-Mei”. She has a deeper understanding of her mother’s hope for her. At the end of the novel, Jing-Mei meets her twin sisters in China. “I look at their face again and I see no trace of my mother in them. Yet they still look familiar. And now I also see what part of me is Chinese. It is so obvious. It is my family. It is in our blood. After all these years, it can finally be let go. ” (Tan, 1989: 288) She finally agrees that her mother is right. She is becoming a Chinese. At the point when Jing-Mei and her two sisters embrace together, murmuring “Mama, Mama”, the cultural barrier has disappeared. The Chinese culture and America culture are wholly integrated.
3.3 Cultural Interpretation of the Integration
Throughout the whole story, Amy Tan shows the readers the possibility and inevitability of cultural integration. Despite of the differences, with love and tolerance, different cultures can live in harmony. The mother-daughter relationship’s reconciliation symbolizes the integration between Chinese and American culture. Although the American culture holds the main stream in the American society, it cannot remove Chinese culture from its society totally because Chinese culture has its own value and advantage, just as many other cultures do. Neither could Chinese culture beat American culture, nor could American culture wipe out Chinese culture. The future could only be that the two live with equality and harmony. In this way, the cross-culture communication can be conducted effectively and meaningfully.
4. Correct Attitudes in Cultural Exchange
Nowadays, we are living in an age with globalization and cultural diversity. There are much more collision and clashes between different civilizations during exchange than before. We are faced with many cultural shocks. Thus, correct attitudes in cultural exchange are necessary and should be advocated.
Ruth Benedict, a noted American cultural anthropologist views the human cultures as “personality writ large”. Each culture chooses from the “great arc of human personalities” only a few characteristics which become the leading personality traits of the persons living in that culture. These traits compromise an interdependent constellation of aesthetics and values in each culture which together add up to a unique gestalt. In fact, behind one national culture are its national strength and the level of productive forces. In modern society, the West countries take advantage of the productive force to make some part of their cultures go ahead of the rest of the world, such as science, management and education. If other cultures do not learn from their strong points, they may be ruled out of the main stream of world cultures. What’s worse, they cannot have a fair and friendly cross-culture dialogue. It should be noted that the national cultures are all in accordance with their living conditions despite of the differences and able to solve the problems the nations are faced with. We cannot assert which one is superior to the others. Every culture has its own good and bad points. There is not one kind of culture that is absolutely perfect. All the cultures exist equally. From my point of view, we should stick to the principle of coexistence of multi-cultures and preserve human culture ecology based on nationality and diversity. It is the premise of healthy cultural communication and integration.
4.1 Enhancing the Exchange of Different Cultures
To achieve the effective cross-culture communication, we first need to take an active and open attitude. Do not confine ourselves in our national culture only, just as the mothers do at first. Knowing Chinese culture, we still need to know other cultures. Living in such a time, it is impossible to separate national people from the outside information. So we should step out to know the other cultures which are different from our own’ rather than be shocked later. Enhancing the exchange of different cultures is necessary. Only in the exchange, different culture can collide. The collision of cultures is a process of communication and transition between different cultures. Cultural exchange is the inexhaustible source and power to promote cultural change and evolution. In the dynasty of Qing, in order to prevent the unorthodox ideas and cut off the outside forces which interfered with the authority, the feudal rulers of China adopted a policy of seclusion, which is proved to have seriously hampered China’s development and caused China’s backwardness. By contrast, in the dynasty of Tang, China was open to the foreign countries and receptive to foreign cultures. A lot of foreigners come to China, bring their customs and ideas, which made the great cultural prosperity in history. More exchanges, more knowing. As the history comes to an age with peace and development as main trend, most cultural exchanges are presented in peaceful forms including economy trade, technological negotiation, political dialogues, art performance, and sports competition etc. The exchange based on equality is exactly what people loving peace expect.
4.2 Learning to Respect and Trust
Then, while communicating, we should learn to respect and trust the foreign cultures. It was wrong to disparage the customs and values of a culture different from one’s own. At the beginning of the story, the mothers do not trust the American culture, and the daughters do not respect the Chinese culture, either. For example, the joy luck club means a lot to the mothers. It’s the extension of their memories and spirits in China. It is a spiritual home for them in the strange land. However, in the daughters’ eyes, it is “a shameful Chinese custom, like the secret gathering of the Ku Klux Klan or the tom-tom dances of TV Indians preparing for war.” (Tan, 1989: 28) Because of the education they receive in the US, they subjectively think all things from China are foolish and backward. They never imagine that there are some good points in Chinese culture. People should have an objective attitude towards the field they have not known. Distain out of ignorance is foolish and harmful for development. Only when we respect and trust them, we will learn from the foreign cultures and select the essence of them to contribute our cultural development.
4.3 Seeking the Common Points
Dealing with the sophisticated cross-cultural issues, seeking the common points between different cultures is also a good advice. While there are a large number of differences among various cultures, they still share something in common. In the story, Chinese mothers use criticism to educate children. American mothers use encouragement to educate children. We must admit that both the criticism and encouragement are way of showing love, as both Chinese culture and American culture are part of human culture. For instance, the west has the love story of Romeo and Julia. China has the love story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. The two stories are told differently, but achieve the same effect. That is a tiny common point in exchange. With the common points, different cultures can get close to each other, which is beneficial to long-term development. However, seeking the common points does not mean to wipe out the differences. We should strive for harmony but not sameness. Human culture is a garden. Each nation culture is the flower in it. Only with all flowers blossom, the garden can be colorful and pleasant.
5. Conclusion
In the novel the Joy Luck Club, the Chinese mothers and American daughters have a series of conflicts due to their different cultural backgrounds and experiences. Fortunately, through the joint effort of both sides, the mothers and daughters understand and accept each other at the end of the story. The mothers do not put their own wills on their daughters any more after the daughters’ continuous resisting. And the daughters get to know their mothers again and understand mothers’ deep love for them. This ending metaphorically demonstrates the transition of the relationship between Chinese and American culture from conflicts to integration.
At present, Chinese culture is faced with more and more challenges in the context of globalization. A correct attitude toward the multi-cultural context should be to inherit the mother culture and to absorb the essence of other culture. We cannot either give up Chinese traditional culture or focus solely on the foreign culture. If the traditional Chinese culture is thrown away, Chinese people will lose a sense of belonging. If the foreign culture is excessively emphasized, there will be much more conflicts. We should have great confidence in our own culture, respect the uniqueness and advance of foreign cultures and take a peaceful and fair attitude to communicate and understand. We believe that Chinese culture can have as prosperous future as its history.
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