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来源:教案设计 时间:2022-06-11 08:12:03 推荐访问:







 Unit 3

 How much is it ?




 1 1. . 教学内容 本课时系教材《英语 1》(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第四课时,授课内容为课本Language in use & Unit task 部分,具体包括:Grammar focus, Vocabulary consolidation and Pronunciation practice。

 本课时内容是对本单元所学知识的总结和回顾,有助于学生理清思路,对单元知识及其运用情境有清晰的认识。由于在前三个课时的教学中,教师已经涉及和渗透 Vocabulary consolidation 部分内容,因此教师可以删略已经呈现过的活动安排,更侧重于训练学生对所学知识的综合运用能力。

 2 2 .教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 学生总结本单元关于购物的关键句型及其运用情境,并能理解和运用 There be 句型。

 ⑵教学难点 音标/au/, /əu/以及相关的字母、字母组合。



 1. 知识目标 学生能理解并掌握 There be 句型及其疑问、否定形式的用法。

 学生能掌握音标/au/, /əu/以及相关的字母、字母组合。

 2. 能力目标 ⑴学生具备总结分析本单元关于购物的句型及其运用情境的能力。

 ⑵学生能用 There be 句型描述各种生活场景。


 3. 情感目标 学生掌握销售员及顾客的礼仪。


 Step One

 Revision: Dubbing performance (10 min )

 Teacher plays two parts of short soundless movies about dialogues between two friends, a customer and a salesperson. Students watch it, think about what they are talking, and add dialogues for the movie with partners together. Students act the short movie in a group with 4 members. After 5 minutes’ preparation, they perform it on the stage. The best performer is praised by teacher orally.

 ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于学生对本单元知识进行总结回顾,并在真实情境中运用。无声电影导入的形式新鲜有趣。为电影配音有难度,但前三个课时的学习为学生完成任务。


 Step Two

 Grammar focus

 (Activity 16, 17, 18)

 ( 25 min) 1. That’s our beautiful school!

 (3 min)

  Teacher shows a picture of the school, and describes it with the following sentences: “This is our school. There is a garden in our school. There are many flowers in the garden. …” Meanwhile, teacher writes down the useful sentences on the blackboard.

 Then students read the sentences together.

  ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于学生理解 There be 句型的含义及肯定形式的用法。通过校园


 2. What’s our classroom like?

 (6 min)

 Teacher says, “What’s our classroom like? Please describe it with the sentences on the blackboard. You may talk about it with your partner first. Then everybody gives me a sentence one by one. ” Students describe the classroom with partners first, then stand up and cycle the sentences on the blackboard one by one quickly.

  ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于学生掌握黑板上的关键句型。大量的实际情境中的操练,能使学生 对句型的运用场合有更加深刻的认识。接龙回答的形式赋予活动适当的紧张度,更。



  3. Activity 16. Look and write.

 (3 min) Students look at the pictures in this part first, then finish the exercises individually. Answers are checked together. Three students come to the stage and write down the sentences on the blackboard as a model.

 ( 设计意图: :用 该步骤有助于学生进一步掌握和运用 e There be 句型。书写的过程中,教。



  4. Memory game: What’s on the picture?

 (8 min)

 Teacher puts a picture on the blackboard for 10 seconds, then asks students: “Is there a river in the picture? Are there any trees in the picture?”

 Students just answer yes or no at first. Teacher guides them and makes the answers more

 specific. Students remember the way to answer questions and then answer teachers’ questions one by one.

 Teacher writes down the useful sentences on the blackboard. After the game, teacher puts up the picture again and describes the picture with all the sentence forms on the blackboard. At last, students read the sentences together.

 ( 设计意图: :握 该步骤有助于学生掌握 e There be 句型疑问形 式及否定形式的用法。快速记忆图片,然后回忆图片内容,使得活动更加紧张刺激,有助于学生集中注意力,迅速掌。



  5. Activity 17. Talk and guess.

 (3 min)

 Students put something in their schoolbags, then the partners guess the stuff with each other in the following way:

  A: What’s in your bag? B: Guess. A: Is / Are there a pen / any pens in your bag? …

  After 3 minute’s practice, teacher invites 3 or 4 groups to show their dialogues.

  ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于锻炼 学生将本句型运用于实际生活中。猜测的形式增加了活。


 6. Activity 18. Talk and find.

 (2 min)

 Teacher says something about Picture A, then students tell the difference in Picture B.

 The dialogue can also go between the girls and the boys, or between partners.

 ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于学生巩固和复习 e There be 。


 Step Three

 Pronunciation practice

 (8 min)

 1. Listen and repeat.

 (3 min)

  Students murmur the chant after the tape in the first time. In the second time students read after the tape loudly and pay special attention to the words with the pronunciation of /au/, /əu/. Then students find out the words with the pronunciation of /au/, /əu/ in the chant. Teacher writes them down on the blackboard.

 ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于 学生通过跟读,掌握正确的音标发音。同时,通过朗读找到和该音标相关的字母及字母组合,为学生提供了正确的音标学习策略和词汇记忆策略。


 2. Let’s find out more words with the pronunciation of /au/, /əu/. Students are divided into four groups. They compete against each other and try to find more words with the pronunciation of /au/, /əu/. The winner is praised by teacher orally.

 ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于锻炼学生的分析推理能力。该任务属于本课的教学难点. 。学生分组竞赛的形式既能活跃课堂气氛,降低任务难度,也易于活跃学生思维,提高他们的参与热情。)

  Step Four

 Self check

 (1 min)

 Students check what they have learnt by ticking the items on Page 49.

 ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于学生自主检测其本单元知识的掌握情况,在脑海中就单元知识及其运用情境形成系统的概念。)

 Step Five


 (1 min)

 Students finish all exercises in workbook and get ready for dictation.

 ( 设计意图: : 该步骤有助于学生拓 展单元知识,提高综合语言运用能力。)


  Useful sentences

 Pronunciation practice There is a garden in our school.

 /au/ There are many flowers in the garden.



  Is there a river in the picture?

 /əu/ Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

 coke, you, know,

 Are there any trees in the picture?

 Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

 Word competition

 Group 1

  There isn’t a house in the picture.

  Group 2

  There aren’t any birds in the picture.

 Group 3

  Group 4


 本单元讲述的是购物的话题,要求学生能够运用于购物相关的词汇、句型,开展购物计划和买卖商品的对话,了解售货员及顾客的礼仪,并运用所学语言举办一次旧书展卖会,同时正确使用 There be 句型和音标/au/, /əu/。


 最后,教师将学生的视角从课内延伸到课外,将 shopping 话题和学生的专业相结合,通过以下两个方面引导学生进行关于职业的思考:1. 如果在淘宝网上开店,你会卖什么?为什么?2. 作为售货员,需要有什么样的销售礼仪?这些话题体现了新教材的生活性、职业性特点。作为电子商务专业的学生,他们对这两个话题不仅感兴趣,也很熟悉,所以讨论的时候非常活跃,只是由于英语表达能力的欠缺,不能很准确清晰地表达自己的想法。这是



  宁波市余姚 职业技术学校 徐春华



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